International playgroup on February 7th

On the first Wednesday afternoon of the month (with some exceptions), there is an English speaking playgroup for families with children in ages 0-6 years. You may drop in at any time and stay as long as you want during the opening hours.

We offer a playful environment where you can meet other English speaking families and we play and sing together. Most welcome regardless if your primary language is English or not. 

👶🏽 BABIES WANTED for RESEARCH on SLEEP and BILINGUALITY! This particular Wednesday at 3 p.m. (as well as during the ordinary “spädbarnsträffar” on Thursday afternoon this week and Tuesday morning next week), researchers from Barn- and Babylab will come to present their project and find small babies aged 3-6 months to be a part of the study! 

If you’re interested but can’t come, ask us and we’ll put you in touch with each other! 🗣